Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids
This is a for kids (and adults) by kids (and chickadees) animal podcast. In every regular episode, your host, Devon, and podcast-overthrowal-plotting chickadee co-hosts, Chet and Cap, will dive into all the facts about one species of animal with jokes, fun facts, and quizzes along the way. Every third-ish episode is our game show, Animalia Fake!, where there are three rounds, each with four outrageous animal facts, one of those facts is so outrageous it’s an Animalia Fake (it’s not true), and you have to guess which it is.
You can send in questions and episode suggestions to animals@kingdomanimaliapod.com, and my website is https://kingdomanimaliapod.com/animals. So what are you waiting for? Let’s explore this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.
New episodes every 1–2 months.
Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids
BONUS: Bloopers Reel 1.0 | Trailer–E04
Podcasting is easy… right?
When you hear the final product of Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids it feels like one fluid, uninterrupted, stream of Devon, Chet, and I (Cap) talking… right? In this bloopers episode me, Cap, your all time favorite podcast host, plays you roughly twenty-five straight minutes of Devon, Chet, and I making funny mess-ups. Whether it’s speaking gibberish, or hitting the mic, it’s all here for your enjoyment.
Note of caution: Don’t drink while listening to this. It may squirt out of your nose when you laugh.
- Additional Music: Blue Dot Sessions and Kevin MacLeod
You can send in questions, comments, episode suggestions, or verification that I’m not just talking into the void and all of the download numbers are from Chet and Cap (seriously, though, it means a lot) to animals@kingdomanimaliapod.com or at kingdomanimaliapod.com/contact, and my website is kingdomanimaliapod.com/animals.
**Psst! Hey you! It’s Chet and Cap! Do you want to ask us questions that will get featured on the show? Just head over to kingdomanimaliapod.com/acb and send a voice message or email with your question(s), and we’ll answer it/them on an Ask the Chickadee Brothers episode of this podcast!**
Until next time, keep exploring this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.
This podcast is made by Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts.
CAP: Chicka Hello podcast Chicka listeners! Chicka Cap here. Chicka You may Chicka be wondering Chicka why I’m Chicka popping into Chicka the podcast Chicka feed. Chicka Have you Chicka ever heard Chicka of bloopers? Chicka They’re funny Chicka mess ups Chicka in shows.
Chicka And I, Chicka Cap Chickadee Chicka am bringing Chicka you a Chicka blooper reel Chicka of Devon Chicka making funny Chicka messups. Chicka But I Chicka also had Chicka the humility Chicka to throw Chicka in some Chicka of mine Chicka and Chet’s.
DEVON (nearby on the other side of a door): Hey...what was that? Was that Cap talking?
{Begins walking closer}
CAP: Chicka Oop! Chicka Roll the Chicka tape! Chicka Roll the Chicka tape!
{Bloopers play}
{Because our transcripts are made mostly from our scripts, having an AI transcribe the episode would likely be very inaccurate due to the mess ups, and the bloopers wouldn’t be very funny as text, there is no transcript for the rest of the episode. You can, however, check the transcripts for the full episodes.}