Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids

TRAILER: Kingdom: Animalia

Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts

A preview for Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids

This is a for kids by kids (and chickadees) animal podcast. Every episode your host, Devon, and his sneaky little chickadee co-hosts, Chet and Cap, will dive into all the facts of one species of animal with jokes, fun facts, and quizzes along the way. So what are you waiting for? Let’s explore this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.


Support the show

You can send in questions, comments, episode suggestions, or verification that I’m not just talking into the void and all of the download numbers are from Chet and Cap (seriously, though, it means a lot) to or at, and my website is

**Psst! Hey you! It’s Chet and Cap! Do you want to ask us questions that will get featured on the show? Just head over to and send a voice message or email with your question(s), and we’ll answer it/them on an Ask the Chickadee Brothers episode of this podcast!**

Until next time, keep exploring this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.

This podcast is made by Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts.


[Kingdom Animalia Podcasts sting][Theme music][Dark, dramatic music starts]


Chicka In a Chicka world… where Chicka humans make Chicka animal themed Chicka podcasts…two Chicka chickadees will Chicka take over Chicka the show.


[Music stops]


Hey Cap… wait what are you doing on my iPad and with my microphone? Are you recording my podcast trailer?


Chicka Is that Chicka a question?


It was rhetorical. Sorry podcast listeners, let’s actually start the trailer now. Hello everybody! Welcome to the show!


Chicka The Chickadee Chicka Brothers!




Chicka Yes!


No, this is the Kingdom Animalia podcast trailer, I’m your host Devon and these are my Cohosts Chet the Chestnut-backed Chickadee…


Chicka Hi!


…And Cap the cap obsessed Black-capped Chickadee…


Chicka Hello!


This is the show where we focus on one species in the amazing kingdom, Animalia every episode. This is a for kids by kids—


Chicka and chickadees.


—and chickadees podcast. Before every episode I’ll intensively research all the different subjects of each animal on sources that I’ve checked to make sure are trustworthy and put them all on a work cited page that I’ll post on my website after every episode. Also in the episode I’ll throw in some fun multiple choice questions and fun facts. At the end of every episode I’ll give you a riddle to guess the next episode’s animal. Since I have other things to do I won’t be able to keep an exact schedule but I’ll try to do a new episode every few months. I’ll be publishing the first episode soon though, so here’s the riddle for it “I am a bird, common, dark and sleek, my loud calls cannot be missed, I have a large and strong beak. Who am I?” I’ll give you until I publish the first episode to guess.


[Theme music starts in background]


Until the first episode, keep exploring this amazing Kingdom, Animalia.

Sound effects:


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