Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids

KA Presents: Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?

Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts

Kingdom: Animalia has a new podcast!

Slightly bad news: There’ll be no KA episode this June. Great news: It’s because KA has a new podcast called Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?! Description: From Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids comes Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?: A for kids-by-kids four-part fictional audio adventure. When Chet and Cap Chickadee go missing after a trip to Brazil to study Amazonian wildlife for the podcast Devon is left worried. Then he gets a text from an unknown number with a recording of the first part of Chet and Cap’s (mis)adventures. What happened to them? Who is the mysterious texter? Where are the Chickadee brothers? Listen and maybe you’ll find out.


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You can send in questions, comments, episode suggestions, or verification that I’m not just talking into the void and all of the download numbers are from Chet and Cap (seriously, though, it means a lot) to or at, and my website is

**Psst! Hey you! It’s Chet and Cap! Do you want to ask us questions that will get featured on the show? Just head over to and send a voice message or email with your question(s), and we’ll answer it/them on an Ask the Chickadee Brothers episode of this podcast!**

Until next time, keep exploring this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.

This podcast is made by Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts.


SOUNDS: [KA Presents sting]

DEVON: Kingdom: Animalia Presents.

DEVON: Hello podcast listeners, it’s me, Devon,…

CHET: …Chicka Me, Chet,…

CAP: …Chicka And me, Cap.

DEVON: We’re here today with some slightly bad news and some really great news. First I’m going to give you the slightly bad news: That is there will be no episode of Kingdom: Animalia for June 2023. But here’s the great news: It’s for good reason. That’s because Kingdom: Animalia is… drumroll please, Chet…

CHET: Chicka Alright.

SOUNDS: [Drumroll]

DEVON: Making a new podcast!

CHET: Chicka Woohoo!

CAP: Chicka Yeah!

DEVON: It is called Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?: an audio adventure podcast featuring me,…

CHET: …Chicka Me,…

CAP: …Chicka And me!

DEVON: So, Kingdom: Animalia should have a new episode for July, and now listen on for the trailer for Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?

SOUNDS: [Casset tape motor start]


BACKGROUND: [Orchestral tension starts]

DEVON (NARRATOR): From Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids comes Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?: A for kids by kids four-part audio adventure.

DEVON (CHARACTER): Chet and Cap, our beloved though interruptive co-hosts, have gone missing.

BACKGROUND: [Tension ends] [WATCB? Theme starts]

DEVON (NARRATOR): Co-hosts of Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids, Chet and Cap Chickadee, go missing after host Devon sent the two birds on an expedition to the Amazon Rainforest for the podcast.

CHET (CHARACTER): Chicka Ahh... Chicka It’s good Chicka to be Chicka off of Chicka that plane.

DEVON (CHARACTER): Hmm. I just got a text. What’s this?

DEVON (NARRATOR): Devon gets sent an audio recording of some of Chet and Cap’s rainforest expedition with a cryptic message:

DEVON (CHARACTER): “Devon,... Chet and Cap Chickadee, your co-hosts, are in grave danger. You may be their only hope. Play the attached audio recording that Chet and Cap made on their trip to the Amazon Rainforest. Their survival may hang in the balance.”

DEVON (NARRATOR): Over the course of two weeks, he gets more; all with more of Chet and Cap’s adventures. Over the course of their expedition they face many obstacles:

CAP (CHARACTER): Chicka It’s a…

CHET (CHARACTER): Chicka It’s a…


CHET (CHARACTER): Chicka Look around! Chicka Everything is Chicka gone except Chicka for the Chicka recording equipment!

CAP (CHARACTER): Chicka There’s a Chicka monkey… Chicka with all Chicka of our Chicka stuff!


CAP (CHARACTER): Chicka Our flight! Chicka We have Chicka to fly Chicka home in Chicka four and Chicka a half Chicka hours!

CHET (CHARACTER): Chicka And we Chicka don’t even Chicka know where Chicka the airport Chicka is!

DEVON (NARRATOR): Are Chet and Cap safe? What happened to them? Will they return to the podcast? Where are the Chickadee brothers?

BACKGROUND: [Music ends]

DEVON (NARRATOR): Where Are the Chickadee Brothers? Season 1: A four-part audio adventure coming to a podcast player near you Monday, July 3rd, 2023.

SOUNDS: [Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts sting]

DEVON (NARRATOR): This is a podcast from Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts.

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